Torbay Council has prepared a draft Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) which it is inviting representations upon, prior to preparing a final version for adoption.
The Healthy Torbay SPD (Consultation Draft) sets out details of how policies in the Torbay Local Plan which relate to health and well-being issues should be applied, and had regard to, in decision-making in the preparation of planning applications. Topics include the role of the environment in determining health outcomes, health in Torbay, healthy food environments, community investment areas, healthy design and health impact assessment.
Views are invited on the contents of the Healthy Torbay SPD. This document will be published for formal representations over a four week period from 10:00am on Monday 20 February to 5pm on Monday 20 March 2017.
Reference copies of the SPD will be available for inspection on Torbay Council’s website,, from Torbay Council’s Spatial Planning office (Town Hall, Torquay) and at Torbay Council Libraries and the Connections Office during normal opening hours.
Representations should be made in writing to or to Spatial Planning, Electric House (2nd Floor), Torquay TQ1 3DR.
All comments should be received before the deadline of 5pm on Monday 20 March.
If you would like to discuss your comments or have any queries, please call the Spatial Planning team on 01803 208815.
This link will take you through to the relevant page on Torbay Council’s Web site.