OLDWAY GARDENS OWL TRAIL Summer holidays are here and we have something to entertain your children at Oldway.


Come to the Tea Hut and get a sheet with clues as to where to find 14 hidden owls around the gardens at Oldway, cost £1 per sheet. The Owls can be found all around the gardens of Oldway in Paignton. Every Owl will have a number and a shape.

Find an Owl and draw or write the name of the shape against the number on the sheet provided. . Encourage your children to walk around the gardens enjoying the beautiful natural surrounding whilst hunting out the hidden owls

The Tea Hut is open Tuesday to Sunday 10am to 1pm

The Tea Hut does not have a card machine and can only accept cash.

Parking is free at Oldway.

All proceeds will be ploughed back into maintaining the gardens by the Oldway Gardens Volunteer Group.

Registered Charity Number 1196635

Author: StLukesRA

St Luke's Residents' Association

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