Hi all,
Just a quick update after my input at the recent Ward Partnership Chairs meeting around Torquay’s PCSO recruitment process. I am now advised that 5 people successfully got through the recent recruitment process and they will begin their training in mid-October. Unfortunately we did not achieve the numbers of successful candidates to meet our local need so a further recruitment process has been run and more candidates are to be interviewed next week for the mid-October course. Fingers crossed that we will get extra that we will need from this process.
Below are various links that may assist you, either when it comes to contacting us or looking for information to answer a question raised by your communities.
As promised at the meeting, attached is the link to our Neighbourhood Email account. This can be used for any contact with us that is not time critical (if it is then use 101, or in emergencies 999) or for reporting crimes. Our Devon and Cornwall Police webpage has more detail around on-line crime reporting and other useful info (link also attached).
· Torquay Neighbourhood Emil account – Torquay@devonandcornwall.pnn.police.uk
· Devon and Cornwall Police Website – Devon and Cornwall Police
Our local Torquay Neighbourhood Team have our own website that we use to advertise our monthly meetings and highlight some of the work that we are doing in regards to our local priorities. Here is the link to this page
· Torquay Police webpage – Torquay Neighbourhood Team Webpage
Police work is varied, often exciting, but sometimes it is difficult to explain to others what we do and why we do things in a certain way. We therefore have opportunities for people to work with us for a shift to get an insight into what we do and get a flavour for the types of incidents that colleagues are called to deal with. Though we cannot guarantee that you will experience some of the situations that you see on TV, we can guarantee that you will be made to feel welcome and looked after. To apply for this opportunity follow this link –
· Police Insight patrols – On patrol in Devon
Finally as a single agency we cannot tackle some of the longer term issues that affect our communities without the support of others. Much of this multi-agency work is coordinated through the Torbay Community Safety Partnership (CSP) and a link to their website is attached where you can get further information.
· Community Safety Partnership – Safer Communities Torbay (CSP)
Kind regards
Ian S
Police Inspector 5440 Ian Stevens
Torquay Sector Inspector
Torquay Police Station
South Street