14th December 2022
by StLukesRA

Urgent – Please read.

It has been brought to our attention that there is probable drug dealing activity in the St Luke’s area. We have been asked to inform you, NOT to approach these ‘visitors’ but to report immediately to Crimestoppers either by phone or online with descriptions or vehicle registration if possible.

Crimestoppers – 0800 555 111

Crimestoppers – https://crimestoppers-uk.org/give-information/forms/give-information-anonymously

The Police are aware and have increased patrols around the area. This anti-social problem has also been passed onto Police Intelligence.

It is so important that we report all suspicious activity.

1st December 2022
by StLukesRA

Maycliffe Hotel Update.

It has been confirmed in writing with Torbay Council that there is no contract for the use of the Maycliffe Hotel to accommodate asylum seekers. This does not mean it can’t or won’t be in the future, but it is not currently planned. This does appear to be a different position than the previous update that said that plans were “paused”.

Should we hear that this changes we will update you all.

1st December 2022
by StLukesRA

Have your say on the new Playing Pitch Strategy for Torbay.

Torbay residents are being asked to give their views in a new survey about a proposed new strategy for improving local sports facilities.

Torbay Council’s proposed new Playing Pitch Strategy will play a vital role in encouraging increased sporting activity and promoting health and wellbeing in Torbay by helping to ensure that there is a good supply of high-quality playing pitch facilities to meet the current and future needs of the area’s residents.  Torbay Council as a major sports facility landowner, motivator and manager will play a key role in the delivery of the Strategy.

As well as outlining plans for specific priority sites in Torbay, there are a number of guiding themes throughout the Strategy including:

§  recognise and emphasise the value of the pitch sports in contributing to enhanced mental and physical health and wellbeing.

§  provide, manage and maintain facilities in such a way as to address issues of environmental sustainability and climate benefit. 

§  encourage and support FE establishments and secondary and primary schools in Torbay to embrace and develop community use of their pitch sport facilities

Steve Darling, Leader of Torbay Council, said: “We need your views on our proposed Playing Pitch Strategy for Torbay – so please do take the time to have your say on our online survey.

“The Strategy has three main aims – Protect, enhance and provide. This means we want to protect existing facilities; enhance the quality, accessibility and management of existing facilities; and provide new facilities to meet demand.”

Councillor Mike Morey, Cabinet Member for Infrastructure, Environment and Culture for Torbay Council said: “Although the Strategy is looking at all playing pitches across Torbay, there are a number of priority sites in the document that we want to get people’s views on, from improving changing facilities at Armada Park, Barton Downs, Cricketfield Road and Windmill Hill, to rebuilding or developing a new pavilion at the Torquay Valley of Sport with changing facilities and toilets for rugby, cricket and athletics.

“We also want to find out how much interest or support there is in the community for a new 3G Astro turf playing pitch for Torbay.”

Priority projects outlined in the Strategy are:

  • to improve the pitch quality for football and rugby at Clennon Valley Playing Fields through drainage works and enhance storage and toilet facilities so they are nearer to the pitches.
  • to either rebuild or develop a new pavilion at the Torquay Valley of Sport with changing facilities and toilets for rugby, cricket and athletics.
  • to prioritise improving changing facilities at Armada Park, Barton Downs, Cricketfield Road and Windmill Hill.
  • to improve access to Park Tennis at Abbey Park, St Mary’s Park and Oldway Mansion.

There are also future plans for Brixham and we are working with both Devon Football Association and the Football Foundation to identify sites that meet the requirements of the Football Foundation’s Small Grants funding as well as work towards improving local changing rooms. We are also working with local sports clubs to improve the facilities.

More information

You can have your say by completing the survey here.

The survey closes on 5 January 2023.

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