Agenda Forthcoming Meeting


SLRA Agenda

 22nd May 2019

7 pm

Walden Point Meeting Room

St Luke’s Road South

It is intended that the formal part of the meeting lasts no more than an hour to an hour and a half to then allow the opportunity for some informal conversation and to meet your new Councillors who have all been invited. We will be offering wine and holding a raffle to help kick start the fund raising so we very much hope that people will stay on and join us.

  1. Welcome and Apologies
  2. AOB Declarations
  3. Approval of previous meetings minutes
  4. Bus Update – Tracey Cabache has been invited to attend to give an update
  5. EF Update
  6. CCTTV
  7. Torquay Neighbourhood Plan
  8. Funding Group
  9. Treasurers Report
  10. AOB

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