Recent changes to the on-street parking allocation in St Luke’s Area have made it more difficult for local residents to park in their area, particularly during the day when there is a high level of commuter parking.
The Melville Hill community have similar problems, so are taking action by petitioning for a CPZ (Controlled Parking Zone) in their area. If their application is successful it may well squeeze more commuter parking into other local areas, including St Luke’s, further restricting the spaces available to our residents.
A group of residents are considering an application to the Council for a CPZ in the our area and would like to contact other St Luke’s residents that support such a scheme. Our proposal would restrict parking in the area to residents of the road and their visitors.
Nominal charges would apply for resident and visitor permits. details
Please contact Stuart on 297247 or by Email if you would support such a scheme or if you would like to find out more information about the CPZ that we are proposing.